Tag: transit
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Related Reading
Deciding the Future of Transit: Why Agencies Must Lead Technology Adoption
This story was first published in The Fast Mode. For transit agencies, technology choices are too important to leave to manufacturers. When transit agencies acquire new trains and buses, they’re aiming for a specific milestone: the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Picture this: a big, public event attended by local media and politicians, showing off the new vehicles...
Challenging the Paradigm in Commuter Rail
The commuter rail industry has been operating under a captive audience for far too long. The traditional paradigm of commuter rail has long held sway over the industry, but the winds of change are blowing through the railway corridors. In an era where even seemingly captive audiences seek options, the commuter rail sector is discovering...
Defining the Future of Rail Travel with Reliable Onboard Connectivity
This story first appeared in The Fast Mode (Author: Tara Neal, Executive Editor) In the age of instantaneous digital exchange, where data streams in and out in the blink of an eye, the modern traveler on the iron rails expects more than just scenic views passing by their window seat. Just as the steam engine...
How to Get Connected with Federal Funding
Your opportunity to deploy connected intelligent infrastructure is here. The USDOT has made available $120 million to transit agencies, MPOs, and State/local governments through the Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Deployment (ATTIMD) program, also known as the Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) program. ATTAIN provides funding to plan, design, deploy, and install advanced...
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